Grandma Nellie
Grandma, Celia, Teenie, Ronnie, Patty, Larry, and the boy with the gun?
I think I have it right. Grandma is upper left next to Pep, and Celia. Ronnie is in front of Grandma with Patty to his right and larry holding Lucky. Who is the little boy with the gun? Dad thinks it might be Mick or Junior?
Grandma Nellie & Hazel Banus
Hazel was such a card. She was so nutty funny. I remember having some surgery on both feet. I was not able to walk for weeks. Hazel stayed with me. She would come into the room I couldn’t escape and fart, then run off laughing her ass off knowing I had no escape. She was great. omg
Little Grandma and Kids
In this picture, I can see Grandma Nellie in a young LIttle Grandma. Anyone know what year this might be?
Travel Trailer Living
Is that Deb with Grandma, Ronnie and Larry? Are we now PD (Post Deb)
Grandpa, Grandma, Ronnie, Patty, and Larry…PD (Pre Deb)
These pictures warm my heart.
Celia & Pancake Wedding
The only two we need to identify are the two in the upper row on the left.
Grandma and Sisters
I think we have this one figured out, except for the gal with the glasses in the front.
Woody and the Travel Trailer
Dad looks to be about 12 maybe a little older. So that would make these pictures from about 1950ish?
Young Beautiful Grandma
Where is this? On the hill in Grantville at the old farm?