Hot Chics! dam
Patty Conahan
Frank, Ronnie, Pat, Frunk, Bob, Bobbie, Jean, Bill, Cec, Lucy, Betty.
What year? I am guessing 1971.
Grandma, Celia, Teenie, Ronnie, Patty, Larry, and the boy with the gun?
I think I have it right. Grandma is upper left next to Pep, and Celia. Ronnie is in front of Grandma with Patty to his right and larry holding Lucky. Who is the little boy with the gun? Dad thinks it might be Mick or Junior?
Patricia Brajkovich
So Pretty!
Conahan Crew
Great Photo!
I think I got most of the names correct. I am not sure who the dark hair gal on the right is, or who the gal on the far left is. Then also the gentleman with the green button up shirt holding a glass. Who is he?